IoT (internet of things) & Big Data overview Internet of Things (IoT) is simply described as any item besides computers and mobile devices that has the ability to connect to …
When a picture speaks a thousand words made a dramatic entrance to internet search The AI-powered Google Assistant voice search, has now added a groundbreaking feature that changes the world …
Remarketing, is a marketing approach that businesses consider as the second option if the target leads achieved is not desirable. This option is usually executed when customers enter the site …
CONSUMER DATABASE MARKETING TO A DIVERSIFIED BUSINESS WORLD… Consumer database marketing plays a pivotal role for every digital marketers in collecting and analysing the customers’ minds, thus making it easier …
Having a thriving company is not a matter of relying on strength in numbers. A company that has high quality squad is a balanced division of labor. When your company …
Over the years, many companies have been jumping onto the online business bandwagon, and even existing companies which have been previously doing the traditional outbound marketing methods have also refined …